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The Ibero-American Meister Eckhart Circle has undertaken the exciting task of translating the complete works of Eckhart, covering both his German and Latin writings, into Spanish. This project is directed by Carlos Ruta (National University of San Martín, Argentina), Rodrigo Guerizoli (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and Silvia Bara Bancel (Comillas Pontifical University, Spain).

We have embarked on this journey with the complete translation of the “Commentary on the Gospel of John”, translated by Marta Daneri-Rebok, with a textual revision carried out by our research team. It will be published in 2024 by Trotta Publishers.

We will also publish a monograph featuring studies on the “Commentary on the Gospel of John”, written by prominent specialists including Alessandra Beccarissi, Silvia Bara Bancel, Markus Enders, Rodrigo Guerizoli, Freimut Löser, Dietmar Mieth, Martina Roesner, Carlos Ruta, Marie-Anne Vannier, and Markus Vinzent, among others.