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The Life of words

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Carlos Ruta: “The life of words”. At the 1st Conference of the Ibero-American Meister Eckhart Circle: “From the source itself. Readings from Meister Eckhart’s ‘Commentary on the Gospel of John’”. University of Mysticism, Avila, 22 October 2023

Interview: “Meister Eckhart and his disciples as Masters of life”

Prof. Dr. Carlos Ruta interviews Dr. Silvia Bara Bancel at the Center for Hermeneutics Studies of the UNSAM. Argentina, Buenos Aires. 2024

Wisdom and Logos, not only as factors of salvation but of healing

Marta Daneri Rebok. XIX Jornadas de Filosofía Medieval, Academia Nacional de Ciencias. Argentina, Buenos Aires. 2024

Divinity as creativity: a cosmological reinterpretation of divinity in eckhart’s German sermons.

Dr. Ángel Enrique Garrido Maturano (CONICET). XIX Jornadas de Filosofía Medieval, National Academy of Sciences. Argentina, Buenos Aires. 2024

“Let God be God in you.” The experience of unity according to Meister Eckhart

Prof. Dr. Silvia Bara Bancel. IV Congreso Internacional de Mística, de la Pontificia Universidad de Puerto Rico, Ponce. 2023

Poverty and fruitfulness in Meister Eckhart. Emptiness and fullness

Prof. Dr. Ignacio Verdú Berganza. Centro Joaquín Roncal de Zaragoza (Spain). 2023.

The Experience of God in Meister Eckhart: The Birth of God in the ground of the soul

Prof. Dr. Silvia Bara Bancel. Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid (Spain). 2023

God and divinity [got und gotheit]: two ways of knowing the foundation in Meister Eckhart’s thought

Dr. María Luisa Brantt. II Simposio de Pensamiento Contemporáneo “Fenomenología y Filosofía de la Religión”, Loja (Ecuador). 2021

Meister Eckhart’s anthropology – Meister Eckhart and the intellect as capax dei

Prof. Claudia D’Amico. “Problemas de Filosofía Medieval”. Universidad de Buenos Aires. 2020

“Maître Eckhart et ses disciples”

Alain De Libera presents, in French, his new book: “Maître Eckhart et ses disciples”. Bayard. 2020

“Meister Eckhart as a reader of St. Augustine and Origen”

Prof. Silvia Bara Bancel. Universidad Santo Tomás (Medellin, Colombia). 2020

“Aquam Sapientiae propinarunt gratis” – Meister Eckhart & St. Thomas

Prof. Silvia Bara Bancel. Universidad de Valencia (Spain). 2020

Presentation of the book: “God in you”. Eckhart, Tauler and Suso through their texts.

Prof. Miguel García Baró, “El desprendimiento cristiano”. Prof. Silvia Bara Bancel, “El camino hacia Dios según Eckhart y sus discípulos”. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid. 2018

“Dominican Mysticism in Medieval Germany: Eckhart, Taulero and Suso”

Prof. Silvia Bara Bancel. 2016. UNSTA- Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Tucuman (Argentina)